Breakout: Seeing is Believing – The Benefits of Mixed Reality in Construction

The ability to visualize the scope of work for a project can be a challenge for Owners, Engineers, and Contractors. The problems that arise under these circumstances are countless. These can vary from clashes between new and existing infrastructure, misinterpretation of the design by the Owner or Contractor, constructability issues, and more. Mixed Reality (MR) provides a new way to review a model when onsite. At first, MR allowed our project teams to identify design issues much earlier in the project than ever before, enabling us to plan our work more effectively. After the value was immediately seen with our use of MR, we knew we had to get our Owner and Engineer partners involved. After a few design review meetings utilizing the MR, we realized that Owners are also able to identify changes they would like to see very early in the design process. This technology has significantly improved our design assistance and installation of the process mechanical work we put in place.